5 Gombalan Lucu untuk Ucapkan ke Temanmu

5 Gombalan Lucu untuk Ucapkan ke Temanmu

Siapa bilang gombalan harus serius dan romantis terus? Kadang-kadang, gombalan lucu bisa jadi pilihan yang lebih menarik. Bagaimana tidak, selain bikin lawakan, kamu juga bisa mengocok perut temanmu. Mau tahu apa saja gombalan lucu yang bisa kamu ucapkan ke temanmu? Jangan bingung, mari simak artikel ini sampai habis!


It’s always fun to have a good laugh with your friends, and one of the best ways to get a good laugh is by telling funny jokes or gombalan. Gombalan is a term used in Indonesian language for flirty phrases that people usually use to show their interest in someone. These gombalan phrases can be sweet, cheesy, or just downright silly. In this article, we’ll share 5 gombalan lucu or funny gombalan phrases that you can say to your friends.

1. “Kamu tahu tidak, kalau kamu itu garam, aku sayuran, dan kita cocok banget? Kita bener-bener sepaket deh!”

This is a silly gombalan that translates to, “Do you know that if you’re salt, and I’m vegetables, we’re a perfect fit? We’re really a package deal!” The phrase plays on the idea of two things that are meant to be together, but in a funny and light-hearted way. You can say this to your friend to make them laugh or as a way to show your close friendship with them.

2. “Kamu tahu, aku sering banget ngerasa jadi superhero, tapi efeknya kebalik jadi superhero yang perlindungan kamu.”

This gombalan translates to, “Do you know, I often feel like a superhero, but the effect is reversed so that I become a superhero who protects you.” This is a funny gombalan that implies that your friend may need your protection, but in reality, it’s just a playful way to show that you care about them.

3. “Kamu tahu, aku pernah jadi musuh ngetop kamu, tapi sekarang aku jadi pacar kamu. Datangnya sih telat, tapi aku cukup bangga masih dapet posisi di hati kamu!”

This gombalan translates to, “Do you know, I used to be your famous enemy, but now I’m your boyfriend. It’s late, but I’m proud to still have a place in your heart!” This is a playful gombalan that you can say to a friend who used to dislike you or had differences with you. It shows that you’ve come a long way in your friendship and now consider yourselves close enough to joke around like this.

4. “Kamu tahu, aku kayak Arjuna dalam pencarian Srikandi. Tapi kalo di zaman sekarang, aku udah dapat Srikandi yang namanya kamu!”

This gombalan translates to, “Do you know, I’m like Arjuna searching for Srikandi. But in modern times, I’ve found my Srikandi, and her name is you!” This is a funny gombalan that plays on the idea of a mythological hero looking for his true love. You can say this to your friend to show how much you appreciate their friendship or even as a way to express romantic feelings, if appropriate.

5. “Kamu tahu, aku demen banget sama kamu karena kamu kayak zombie yang masi hidup. Aku udah liat film-film zombie, dan menyebalkan banget kalau yang hidup cuma zombie doang!”

This gombalan translates to, “You know, I really like you because you’re like a zombie who’s still alive. I’ve seen zombie movies, and it’s annoying when only the zombies are alive!” This is a humorous gombalan that implies that your friend is unique in a good way. You can say this to your friend to make them feel special or as a way to show your appreciation for their friendship.


Gombalan phrases are a great way to show your humor and wit, especially when talking to your friends. In this article, we’ve shared 5 gombalan lucu or funny gombalan phrases that you can try out with your friends. These phrases are silly, light-hearted, and can bring a smile to your friend’s face. Remember to always use these gombalan phrases in a playful way and make sure your friend is comfortable with them. Happy joking around!

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